Radio, Wireless and Cell Phone Tower Components – Since 2001

New Year’s Eve Sale!  5% off stock kits and 10% custom orders of $1000 or more for the month of January!

Some of Our Components

Weld-In Access Ports

Welds to existing polygon poles to provide access for routing coaxial cable. All parts are A572-65 material and plain black.

(Customized upon request)

Panel Antenna & Medium Duty Stand-Off Frame

Provides support for a single sector antenna while allowing separation from the tower.
Pipe Size (O.D.) for all is 2-3/8″.

• Tower attachment hardware sold separately
• Hot-dip galvanized

(Customized upon request)

Cable Mounting Brackets

Our cable mounting brackets provide support to multiple coaxial runs.

(Customized upon request)

Monopole Reinforcement Kits

For use with platform kits or t-arm kits.
• Simple Bolt-on Kit used to reinforce existing platforms or T-arms when increased dead load is required (multiple RRU’s)
• Fits round or polygon poles from 10in to 45in O.D. & 30in to 60in O.D.
• Hot-dip galvanized

(Customized upon request)

Working with us


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Our Projects

Rooftop Antennas, Toyota Center in Houston

PRO Tower Mfg is a leader in the fabrication of many types of custom designs.  One of our projects is on ...

Flagpole Antenna Applications

PRO Tower Mfg. has a large inventory available of standard antenna mounting solutions for monopoles, self-support towers, guyed towers, water towers, ...

Concealed Antennas

Pro Tower Mfg. can take “hidden” cell or radio antennas to an exceedingly high level by working diligently with your team, ...

Custom Antenna Mounts for Aviation Industry

Pro Tower Mfg. has the ability to design, acquire engineering approval, and fabricate custom mounting solutions for a variety of customers. ...